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Writer's pictureSharmila Ganapathy

refash comes to malaysia

Singapore-founded Refash has launched Malaysian website selling preloved clothing for women

If you're buying fast fashion, consider buying preloved

Those of you who have been following this blog would know by now that I avoid fast fashion as much as possible. As I write, I am wearing a preloved sweater, along with store-bought jeans that I’ve had for two years now. On my feet are a pair of Nike’s I had no choice but to get since none of the second-hand stores I frequent sell sneakers.

My wardrobe is full of second-hand clothes, and I have a dress or two that I’ve had for more than six years. So I am quite content with my wardrobe at present.

However, much as I detest fast fashion, I do love shopping and I do know other women who are in the midst of updating their wardrobe. Hence this post on Refash, which launched a Malaysian website in mid-January.

Refash Malaysia sells pre-loved women’s clothes, mostly from fast fashion brands and it’s a good way for you to buy wardrobe staples and then build your wardrobe from there. Yes, in a way it’s supporting fast fashion, but the bigger picture is that Refash is trying to prevent textile wastage by selling pre-loved clothes, which I am all for.

For more information on Refash, read this article I wrote for Digital News Asia in February.


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